Strong Skills Model




The Strong Skills model focuses on 12 competencies for human development. Our model leverages training AND coaching to provide opportunities to learn skills and develop each individual to be their best self. Our clients get the power of a group learning experience with the intimacy of a one-on-one coaching experience. The Strong Skills model is innovative as it focuses on tangible take-aways to make the intangible, tangible. 

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We begin with self-awareness and end with leadership. The model is based on an intentional flow that has been designed with the best theories and research in mind. We take our clients through a process that is designed to unlock their potential so that they can grow themselves and in-turn grow their organizations.

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“THIS APPROACH feels more like candid
conversations with thoughtful friends.”

Josh Elliot, Wine to Water, COO 

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The ability to understand and deliver intent and information via tone, verbal, and non-verbal actions.

Seeking solutions even when difficult issues are presented to move the organization forward.

Embracing different perspectives and valuing the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing.

The combination of agility, grit, and a growth mindset that empowers one to respond to and recover from adversity.

Identifying your inner insight by clearly defining your values, mission, vision, and personal philosophy.

The ability to identify and manage emotions and to recognize oneself as separate from your environment.

The ability to build a foundation of communication, competence, trust, and respect to best leverage members of a team.

Understanding how routine, habits and focus impact behavior.

The principles and ability to take right or wrong actions.

The capacity to empower people to be their best selves.

The ability to set your mind to thrive in preparation and performance.

Exploring the strengths that enable individuals to be their best.


