Eisenhower Matrix and Wait List

The Eisenhower matrix is one of my favorite frameworks. It’s really helpful, especially for those who struggle with prioritizing their time. Let’s break it down.

Box 1: When something is important and urgent, we should do it right away. This is where execution lives.

Box 2: Perhaps the most overlooked of the four boxes is box 2. We often let important and not urgent items fall to the wayside. This is the box where strategy lives.

Box 3: Just because something is urgent doesn’t mean it’s important for us to do it. Great leadership requires the ability to delegate to others. What isn’t important for you to do might be important for someone else. This is where empowerment lives.

Box 4: Being allowed to say “no” to things frees us up saying “yes” to something else. Knowing what to eliminate is key for managing time. If it’s not important and not urgent, it’s probably best to eliminate it. This is where autonomy lives.

Additionally, I’d add a 5th box for us all to consider. A “wait list”. Consider the wait list to be the place where you store action items that can wait until next year. As past podcast guest Nick Tasler told me previously, "you can do anything you want this year but you can't do everything". Your wait list is the place where action items go when you aren't sure how important they are and how urgent they need to be.

Print out the matrix and add a wait list. You’ll notice your capacity to prioritize increase.