Go Deep

“Deep” is underrated. Relationships. Conversations. Wins. Listening. Work. Research. Introspection. Much of the best stuff in life requires going deep. Yet, we often spend our time on the surface. Why is that? Don’t get me wrong, not all of the beauty of life is deep. We can get pleasure from a sporting event, a reality show, or a fictional book. Depth isn’t necessarily required for a meaningful life. However, I believe when we add depth to the things we love, it does often enhance life.

What does going deep look like? It could sitting around a campfire with a childhood friend. It could be carving out time in your workday to work on a transformative project that will get you what you want in your career. It could be going to therapy to learn more about yourself and how you came to be. What would it look like to commit to one deep project this week? Let me know how it goes.

Brian Levenson