Great Content

I enjoy recognizing patterns. Connecting dots. I recently started noticing a pattern that I want to share with you.

The best content, whether it’s a speech, an article, or a presentation follows a three-step process. This was sparked from Simon Sinek’s popular Start With Why concept, and then again after reading Suneel Gupta’s book Backable.

Step 1: I. Why. Mission.

The best content starts with I statements about why you do what you do. This speaks to your mission. “I” statements are personal and vulnerable. When we self-disclose, it opens people up for connection. Further, when we speak about why we do what we do, we speak to our beliefs, and it’s in those beliefs that our mission lives.

An example of I. Why. Mission. in action:
“I believe this post will change how you deliver content going forward.”

Step 2: You. How. Philosophy.

Once we have established our “I. Why. Mission.”, then we can shift gears to focusing on you (the audience), and how this content will be delivered. Here, we are shifting from mission to philosophy. In this section it’s important to show the audience how your message impacts them and the way in which they can implement your content.

An example of You. How. Philosophy. in action:
“You will learn how to deliver content going forward by understanding the 'great content' framework.”

Step 3: We. What. Vision.

Bringing the content together with the vision-in-mind is key. Ideally a vision involves us, together, or some sort of partnership, or what I like to call “we.” It’s a call to action. A great vision focuses on the future while creating inspiration of what we can accomplish.

An example of We. What. Vision. in action:
“Together we will change how the world creates and delivers great content.”

In closing, specific vocabulary has the power to change the world if used intentionally. Great communication is based on why, how, and what you say. Possibly even more important, is the order in which you use each. Use the "great content" three-step process. We can inspire the world with our communication. Let’s make it happen.

Brian Levenson