Inspiration and Aspiration

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how inspiration and aspiration are related to one another. Inspiration is what gets me going and aspiration is what sustains me. I love the question, “Who do you aspire to be?” It has everything to do with your journey and not someone else’s.

When working with clients, I often have them list five names of people who inspire them. Next, I have them list adjectives to describe those people. What we find is that the inspiration attributes are the same words that they aspire to see in themselves. It’s a simple and powerful exercise that I highly recommend doing. It will help you develop a better sense of how you want to operate in the world. Having clarity about your best self can serve as a blueprint or a philosophy for how to show up.

We all need inspiration. It can come from nature, people in our life, or people that we study, but it’s everywhere if we choose to see it. Once we do, let’s grab hold of it and inject it into our veins.

Brian Levenson