Role Clarity

We are all role players. Regardless of your role--in your home, on your team, or inside your organization, we can all be stars in our own roles. Additionally, even a superstar has a role to play. While we often make a distinction between stars and role players, I believe having clarity on our role, regardless of the role that we play, is imperative. Once we get clear on our roles and how we can best support the ecosystems we engage in, then we can create cohesive groups.

Here are a few questions to ponder as you get clarity on your role. As an example, I will answer the following for myself.

What have been your top 5 roles/priorities over the last year?

1.   Husband: Support my wife during a challenging pandemic

2.   Father: Spend quality time with my kids

3.   Author: Finish and publish my book    

4.   Coach: Serve my clients to help them be their best

5.   Creator: Weekly newsletter and podcast

Pick one adjective that can help you thrive in each role above.

1.   Caring

2.   Present

3.   Attention to detail

4.   Curious

5.   Creative

What will your top 5 roles/priorities be over the next year?

1.   Husband: Travel together, create memories, and support her

2.   Father: Encourage my kids to grow, develop and become more independent

3.   Coach: Serve my clients to help them be their best

4.   Facilitator/Speaker: Create optimal learning environments so that people can develop their strong skills

5.   Friend: Cultivate meaningful relationships

Pick one adjective that can help you thrive in each role above.

1.   Exciting

2.   Thoughtful

3.   Curious

4.   Energetic

5.   Supportive

Now it’s your turn. Answer the questions above for yourself. Notice that some roles stayed the same, but my job description changed. I’d love for you to share them with me as well. If we are more intentional about our roles/priorities, then we can keep the main things the main things.

Brian Levenson