Rais Bhuiyan on Working with Enemies


I was introduced to Rais Bhuiyan randomly. As I was leaving a meeting with one of my clients, he introduced me to Rais and I was blown away by his story, as you will be too. Rais has an incredible story to tell. But, what is amazing about Rais is not just what happened to him, but how he used the obstacles and hate he experienced, to create growth opportunities. 

A bit more about Rais. He is a Bangladeshi American working as a technology professional in Dallas. He also served in the Bangladesh Air Force, so he is a performer in a number of ways. He left Bangladesh to move to New York City to study computer technology and then found himself in Dallas, Texas where he was employed at a gas station. After the September 11 terror attacks, Mark Anthony Stroman walked up to that gas-station and shot Rais in the face. Incredibly, Rais survived but lost sight in one of his eyes. What happened next is incredible.

Compassion. Empathy. Power. All extremely impactful words. All of those words are part of Rais' story. But, this is also a story about love and how to have an impact on the world. Rais is on a mission. He lives intentionally. He wants to make the world a better place. And he is. 

To learn more about Rais you can check him out here:


Twitter: @Rais4peace @WWHforgive

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worldwithouthate?fref=ts

Thanks to Rais for coming on and being so open.

Lastly, if you liked this episode and/or any others, please follow me on Twitter: @brianlevenson or Instagram: @Intentional_Performers.

Thanks for listening.


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