Wil Reynolds on Having Enough while Constantly Growing


As Seer Interactive’s Vice President of Innovation, Wil Reynolds develops strategies and innovations to help clients build traffic and make money. His methods have shaped the search industry worldwide, and he regularly speaks for marketing conferences worldwide.

Wil had a number of amazing insights during our conversation. Some of them include:

“I’m sick of hanging out with people who want to tell me how successful I am” (7:35).

“Nobody that’s good got better when other people said, ‘you’re good’” (7:40).

“Nobody [inspires me]. Everybody’s got some stuff going on with them” (11:45).

“Mostly I just look for people who walk the walk. That’s it” (12:05).

“I tend to value humility” (14:20).

“I like to keep things simple, so I just want to raise a kind kid” (20:30).

“My number one goal is to raise a kid who sees things in the world, sees things that are wrong, and says ‘I can be a part of solving them’” (20:35).

“When I see a kid being really kind to another kid, I instantly go too ‘What are their parents modeling? Am I modeling those kinds of behaviors’” (25:00).

“We’re now hiring a Community Impact manager specifically to make sure we improve [our number of volunteer hours]” (29:30).

“I got all this by not wanting it, by just trying to be better than I was yesterday” (30:00).

“Be unafraid to suck at something new” (30:30).

“The ROI on culture is at an all-time low because people don’t want to admit to themselves that it’s about the money” (41:55).

“If you take no feedback, you don’t learn, you don’t grow. But then you also have to learn to put that feedback in context at the time and the person and ask should I really listen to all this stuff equally?” (42:40).

“Everything is about how you feel when you put your head on the pillow at night and the decisions that you’ve made that day” (44:50).

“If I don’t have boundaries, I may try to be too available to too many people and not be available to the people who support me” (46:45).

“Watching somebody grow, watching somebody get an opportunity, watching your company be a platform for somebody to get that next best job, it’s like teaching” (51:15).

“I love losing because it’s humbling” (52:50).

“I like minimizing excuses for myself” (54:50).

“I don’t care what anybody does as long as they’re true to themselves” (59:10).

“Be true to you and be brave enough to say, ‘This is what I value.’” (59:20).

Additionally, make sure to check out the Seer Interactive website and Wil’s blog, and to follow Wil on Twitter!

Thank you so much to Wil for coming on the podcast!

Lastly, if you liked this episode and/or any others, please follow me on Twitter: @brianlevenson or Instagram: @Intentional_Performers.

Thanks for listening.


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