Heideh Shahmoradi on Being Kind


Heideh Shahmoradi joins us on this week’s episode of the podcast. Heideh has her own firm that some would call a lobbying firm, but she calls it an educating firm. She really has become a big player in Washington, DC and on Capitol Hill and has made a tremendous impact on the homeless community and transportation industry all over the country. Heideh has worked with some of the most influential people in our government and she will share how she came to get to that point, and also some of the challenges that she’s faced along the way. At the end of the day, Heideh is someone who is kind, grateful, and looks for the best in life.

In this episode, they discuss what Sasha Bruce does (4:40), her story and how she ended up at Sasha Bruce (5:30), her teenage years (7:30), how religion played a role in her life (8:20), her experience meeting her husband (10:00), when Sasha Bruce became a resource for her (11:00), why she ran away from home (13:00), what was so great about her experience at Sasha Bruce (14:50), what she thinks people saw in her (16:20), what it was like working in transportation (20:30), what she was like academically (21:20), her college experience (24:30), what it was like not having a permanent home (26:20), how she thinks about vulnerability (28:20), what she does to practice gratitude (33:40), if positivity is innate for her (34:50), when she shifted to taking advantageous of her situations (35:30), what she thinks makes someone successful (37:50), her experience working on Capitol Hill (39:30), the importance of relationships (42:10), what she liked about being in politics (44:50), what she’d be doing now if she didn’t go to DC (51:30), how she thinks about what she has gone through (53:50), how she sees religion today (56:20) , her relationship with her parents today (58:10), what she’s up to now (1:02:00), what she does for youth homelessness (1:05:30), what makes a good educator (1:06:15), and what she does to make sure she’s at her best (1:09:05)

Thank you to Heideh for coming on the podcast. If anyone is ever looking for guidance, advice, or consulting information on the work that she spoke about today they can reach her at Heideh@osstrategiesllc.com.

Lastly, if you liked this episode and/or any others, please follow me on Twitter: @brianlevenson or Instagram: @Intentional_Performers.

Thanks for listening.


Listen: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify.



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