Hakim Warrick on The Vision


Hakim Warrick! If you went to Syracuse, like I did, this interview is going to be a trip down memory lane. If not, Hakim's story is still an incredible one. Hakim helped lead Syracuse University to a national championship, when I happened to be a freshman, and he probably had the most famous block in college basketball history--helping secure the win for his team.

In this conversation, Hakim will share his unexpected journey. He was a "late bloomer" both from a physical and skill stand-point, which impacted his high school experience. When he did develop he ended up at Syracuse University where his expectations quickly went from trying to "make it" at that level to knowing he could make an impact. 

Hakim ended up having a very successful 4-year career at Syracuse which led to him being a first-round pick in the NBA. Hakim played 8 years in the league before playing overseas which he is currently doing as a professional. 

As you will tell from this conversation, Hakim is a humble guy who has used systems and processes to get to where he is today. He had a vision of playing professionally when he was in 4th grade and was able to follow that vision all the way to the top of his profession. 

Thanks to Hakim for coming on the podcast. And thanks to the Syracuse community for listening. 

Hakim is not using social media as much these days but you can find him on Twitter and Instagram. 

Twitter: @hdubb21


Lastly, if you liked this episode and/or any others, please follow me on Twitter: @brianlevenson or Instagram: @Intentional_Performers.

Thanks for listening.


Listen: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify.



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