Brain Coding and Mental Health with Kip Watson


Kip Watson joins us on this week’s episode of the podcast. Kip is a former professional football player that was also an elite gymnast when she was a kid. She works in the world of sports psychology and I think you will find her to be a very thoughtful and intentional human-being who lives with spirit, emotion, and thinks about her mindset on a daily mindset. Kip will be vulnerable in this conversation, and she will share what she’s learned and is continuing to work on with herself and why she is so passionate about making an impact with people in and outside of the sports world.

In this episode, we discuss her experience with gymnastics (3:50), what her environment growing up was like (6:00), why she wanted to play football (9:30), how she got into gymnastics (12:40), her early success in gymnastics (17:00), how to view winning (19:40), the importance of consistency (22:10), brain codes and her intake form (23:20), how she develops nature (27:20), her drive to play professional football (30:00), what she learned about herself playing football (34:30), her tough times (37:40), what changed after low moments in her life (42:20), how religion has guided her (44:10), what she does to strengthen her mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual (47:20), how she handles her routine under stress (50:20), what it is like parenting two athletes (52:40), and why sports psychology as her vehicle to make an impact (59:40).

Thank you to Kip for coming on the podcast. We encourage you to check her out @kipfit on any social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn) platform, and her website

Lastly, if you liked this episode and/or any others, please follow me on Twitter: @brianlevenson or Instagram: @Intentional_Performers.

Thanks for listening.


Listen: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify.



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