Ask for Help
The most common lie in the world is “I’m fine.” In reality, many of us are not fine. Depending on our day, situation, or circumstance, all of us need help at some point. Nobody gets to where they want by themselves. Yet, many of us are conditioned to try to “suck it up” and figure things out on our own, which can be either helpful or harmful depending on the situation. While independence is a quality needed to navigate the challenges of life, having naïve independence can often get in the way. A truly strong person knows when to tackle life’s challenges on their own and when to ask for help.
How do you know when you are facing a challenge too daunting to take on by yourself? What tripwires can you put into place to ensure you aren’t holding yourself back by stubbornly going through the muck? Think about a previous time where you asked for help and it genuinely helped you; what were the conditions?
Asking for help requires great humility. But, like much of the human experience, it’s all about timing. Knowing when to push and when to pull back is key. Only you know what’s best for you and when.