Competitive, Curious, and Collaborative

Love what you do? Nah. Love competing, curiosity, and collaboration. That’s who you are. It’s more important than what you do.

I've interviewed hundreds of prospects for NBA, NHL, and MLS teams as they decided whom to select in their respective drafts.

I ask players, "Why do you play your sport?

They often respond, "Because I love it.”

I say, "Great. But what do you love about it?"

Three things I look for. Let's call them the 3 C's.

1. Competing to win

2. Curiosity to improve

3. Collaboration--> A passion for making others better.

All three create a potent cocktail that allows the athlete to fulfill their potential AND help the team win.

This isn't just about draft prospects in sports; the same is often true in business.

Looking for talent? Seek out those who love to compete to win, are curious about how they can improve, and are obsessed with collaborating with others to make the team better.

Brian Levenson