Find Your Way

This may be controversial, but it's what I believe. You don't have to train your mind to be great. You don't have to read, listen to podcasts, meditate, take ice baths, etc. It may work for others, but there’s no shame if it doesn’t work for you. Each of us needs to find our own way.
We live in a society where people are quick to share their way. They can go on social media and document what they are doing to be at their best. It can indeed be inspiring, but it can also lead to us wondering what is wrong with us. There’s nothing wrong with you if some things aren’t “for you.” There’s a fine line between trying new things, experimenting, doing hard things, and simply understanding that what works for someone else might not be ideal for you.
There are many ways to be great at something.
It's up to you to find your way.