Identify Identity

We have clarity when we know who we are, where we are, and where we want to go. When one of those is missing, it can create clutter. Clutter breeds feeling stuck, feeds fear, and can lead to paralysis. We often attach what we do for a living to our identity, and while it’s certainly a big part of our life, I believe that clarifying our identity with these three questions is a more sustainable way to think about identity as a whole.

Who are you?

It’s a complicated question that requires introspection and reflection. Most research suggests that nature and nurture is about a 50/50 split. How are you wired? How has your life experience impacted how you see the world? Identifying your personal values is a huge step to discovering who you are, since values often drive behavior.

Where are you?

What chapter in your life are you in? Are you a parent? In a transition in your career? In your occupational prime? Retired? Are you in a pandemic? Where we are greatly impacts our day-to-day.

Where do you want to go?

So many people don’t have clarity on their vision. As a result, they don’t know what they want. It’s ok. It’s normal. What do you want regarding your relationships? Career? Lifestyle? We often make decisions based on how they impact us today with no regard for tomorrow, yet if we want to get somewhere, it often requires great intention and planning.

Go ahead and answer the questions above to identify your identity.

Brian Levenson