
For me, there is a distinction between motivation and inspiration. I have a good sense of what motivates me and try to consistently refresh my motivating factors for success. I have a combination of internal and external motivators that help me get to where I want to go. However, inspiration can come from anywhere and at any time. I can be inspired by people who have a quality that I aspire to have in myself and from people who are doing something so other-worldly that I am in awe of what they are capable of. My inspiration exists within nature, movies/shows, sports, children, my kids, family, friends, authors, and more. If I look for it, inspiration is everywhere.
But what about the power to inspire others? As humans, we have a responsibility to not only hunt what inspires us, but also to be a beacon to inspire others. Trying to inspire people? Storytelling is a wonderful way to do so. Data/science is helpful as well. Using both is better. We shouldn’t take our capacity to inspire those around us for granted. We have more impact than we often think.
So, whether you are inspiring others or hunting inspiration for yourself, it’s important to seek it out and run towards it. A life filled with inspiration is a life well lived.