Speak Up

Something I wish I knew when I was younger... When someone's going through something difficult, saying nothing (out of fear of saying the wrong thing), is typically worse than saying the "wrong" thing. Humans often fear embarrassment. It’s why many of us don’t love public speaking. It’s often what stops us from sending our condolences. Learning how to overcome that fear is one of the keys to building strong relationships.
Here's my challenge to you: Think about someone who might have gone through something tough recently—death in the family, laid off at work, divorce, etc. and proactively reach out to them. Let them know you have their back. Share that you are there for them regardless of how difficult the situation is. It could be a text, phone call, email, DM, the tool isn’t even relevant. It really is the thought that counts here. Your message won’t be perfect and that’s okay. People love to feel a sense of belonging. They value feeling supported. Reach out. Support someone you care about.
Both you and the person you reach out to will be glad you did.