Learn it All

I’ve been called a know-it-all before; it’s not pleasant. I’ve found, when I surround myself with know-it-all's, I often feel the need to defend my beliefs and share what I know. I’ve been guilty of this far too many times, especially with family and friends. When I am in know-it-all mode, I shrink and get narrow; I don’t learn. Know-it-all mode causes us to lack perspective and become instantly unlikeable to be around.

The older I get, the more I appreciate the learn-it-all version of myself far more than the know-it-all version. I am capable of both, so it’s really up to me to decide when I need each. What’s more, when I surround myself with learn-it-all's, I often stay open to possibility. I stay curious. It’s the best space for me to learn. I expand and get broad in my thinking. From a learn-it-all perspective, the world is my oyster.

I have started hunting for learn-it-all’s. I love being around them; they give me energy. But what’s probably even more important is my desire to be more conscientious about when I find myself moving to know-it-all mode. I can feel it in my body. I lean in. Get on the edge of my seat and often start talking faster. If you’ve listened to my podcast, you’ve probably heard me in that mode. It’s not necessarily bad, but it is limiting. Speaking of my podcast, I keep a sticky note in my recording studio that says, “stay curious.” I keep a similar sticky note next to my monitor when I coach people. When I stay curious, I tap into “learn-it-all” mode. How can you shift from a know-it-all to learn-it-all? I am excited to learn from you.