Posts tagged Sport Psychology
Deaf in One Ear

I was born deaf in my left ear. I am not sure exactly how it happened, but my entire life I have had to adjust where I sit, walk, and how I approach people with my left ear in mind. Early in my life, I adjusted instinctively, but as I grew older I remember making intentional decisions to put myself in positions to minimize the impact the deafness would have on my conversations with people.

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How can we create an easy environment for things that have a positive impact? Especially when things are hard, we need to find ways to make them easier (i.e., have exercise clothes laid out the night before). Our habits are greatly impacted by our environment. Think about what actions would benefit from less

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Different Taste

I like a movie but the person I go with doesn’t. Same with a song. A restaurant. All good. Yet, I am crushed when someone leaves 2 stars for my podcast or book or opts out of my newsletter. I
I’m working on normalizing those experiences. I don’t have to be all things to all people.

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What happens with more perspective? Here are some examples. 
A person is speeding and flies by us. We decide to follow them in a rage as we hope to give them a piece of our mind at the next traffic light. We wonder how they could act so carelessly. We follow them all the way to the hospital emergency room.

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Sports evolve. Think about the last 30 years and how they have changed; NBA teams take far more 3 pointers, NFL teams throw more, NHL teams have swapped out fighters for speedsters, MLB teams swing away, hunting for homers, instead of just making contact. Evolution is everywhere in sports. Yet, how are you evolving? What about your organization?

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I Am Enough

Three words: I am enough. Powerful. Often helpful. Feeling as though we are enough allows for us to have peace of mind. Yet, growth mindset, which is one of my favorite concepts, has been embedded into our school, businesses, and many other organizations. So how do we leverage growth mindset while also understanding that we are enough?

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Grace. It’s a beautiful word. It can be simply defined with two words: courteous goodwill. I’ve found grace to be liberating. When extended, it can show light in darkness and hope in times of suffering. Yet, it’s not something that often comes naturally to me. It’s often a secondary thought or feeling. I have to work at showing courteous goodwill. I bet you do too. Here’s why we need to increase our grace.

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Go Toward the Easy

Nothing worth doing comes easy. I’ve used that mantra in the past and I am not sure how much I believe in it now. We don’t always have to go toward the difficult things in life. For example, I am super grateful that I went into an industry that came easier to me than many others. We all have gifts, and it’s important to open them up and leverage them.

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