No Need for 'T

Can’t. Don’t. Won’t.


Can. Do. Will.

I find that the apostrophe “T” words are often what get in the way for me. I am too quick to say I can’t do something when all I need to do is give it a try. I will say that I don’t do something when all it would take was a bit of doing. And I often find that when I commit to “will” that I live with more integrity. I have noticed these words pop up in my kids as well. They will tell me they can’t do something when they obviously, from my vantage point, can. They will tell me they don’t want to do something, and I tell them they do have to do it. They will tell me they won’t be able to go toward a challenge, and I tell them they will. I hear the apostrophe “T” words all the time in them, and if I am being honest, I hear them in myself too.

The apostrophe “T” words aren’t all bad. Certainly, we need to know our limitations and what we want to say no to. Yet, I find that more often than not, those words are keeping me from living my best life.

For me, I love this quick reminder to go for it….

"It's impossible,” said pride. "It's risky,” said experience. "It's pointless,” said reason. "Give it a try,” whispered the heart.

Next time you have an apostrophe “T” word pop up when you least expect it, perhaps you will empower your heart. You can change can’t to can, don’t to do, and won’t to will.

I know you can and will do it!

Brian Levenson