Nurturing Nature

Being a parent changed my perspective on how I see the world. One of the biggest changes is how I understand the power of nature. Nature plays a massive role in our existence. Great parenting involves nurturing nature.


Beyond parenting, great organizations need to think about how they can nature the nurture of their people. Personality assessments are a great place to start. They provide an additional perspective and can help identify a baseline of nature. Much of our management potential lies in our ability to manage ourselves. If we want to nurture our nature, often the best place to grow is by understanding who we are. The same goes for the people we lead.


What about your nature do you want to nurture? What are strengths that you want to pull on? What weaknesses do you want to manage? What strengths might you over-index on which might actually lead to weaknesses?


Nurturing nature is critical. Start with increasing awareness, then think about what needs to be managed and what needs to be nurtured.