
What happens with more perspective? Here are some examples. 
A person is speeding and flies by us. We decide to follow them in a rage as we hope to give them a piece of our mind at the next traffic light. We wonder how they could act so carelessly. We follow them all the way to the hospital emergency room.
A person has typos. How could they be so careless and not check their work before sending it? As we get to the bottom of the email, we see a disclosure that they use dictation because of a disability.
A teenager acts out. We wonder how they could be so careless and not treat others with respect. When diving deeper we find out they have experienced trauma. While their behavior may still be careless, their lived experience changes how we view them and their actions.
These aren’t random stories; I have been involved in all of them.
We all have stories in our heads, blind spots that prevent us from seeing the entire picture.
When those stories turn into emotion, it’s important to seek perspective.