Three letters. Three words. A simple formula that can help us execute. For those performing under pressure, winning can be consuming and overwhelming. The mind often races ahead to multiple possibilities or gets stuck behind past failures. We see heroes, victims and villains as we live the story of our life. Yet, what if you could shift your focus simply to owning the now? What impact would that have? Let’s dive a bit deeper.


So much of life is out of our control. Heck, the very next line you read will be determined by myself, not you. And that’s why, when we have the opportunity to do so, it’s important to place an emphasis on ownership. When we have ownership, we have autonomy. We can control our own destiny, if at least for a moment. Seize your ownership.


Stay present. We hear it all the time. The reason why it’s so important to actually do so is because it helps us to focus and execute. Also, anxiety tends to live in the future and depression tends to live in the past. Ownership is essential, but without the ability to tap into the now, ownership can be wasted.


What if we redefined what winning is? What if those who have won are the ones who dominate the own and now. Take those three words. Switch the order and they have new meaning. Just like the letter order changes the meaning, so can your interpretation of what “won” is.

So, with that in mind, remember the simple formula: own + now = won.

Brian Levenson