Values First

Goals are great. They help us have a vision of where we want to go and often involve processes to help us get there. Many have criticized goals, some have even suggested “burning your goals”, but I find them to be helpful when they are underpinned by an understanding of values. When we prioritize values first and goals second, we move toward fulfillment, which is linked to personal happiness. The issue is that everyone has values. All of us. Values often drive behavior. Getting clear on not just the values but the order of values is essential.

Think of your values. Maybe pick 5. Then put them in order from 1 to 5 with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important. Once again, it’s important to point out that the order of those values will drive behavior. We often forge that. For example, if someone values security as their number 1 value and humanity as a number 5 value, they will most likely make decisions based on security instead of humanity.

Once we have our values established then we can think of the goals that we want to achieve. When we align values with goals, we move toward a fulfilling experience. Start with the values. Organize them. Re-arrange them as you see fit. Then get to work on those goals.

Brian Levenson