Talent and Process

Great teams are often built from elite talent and process. Both can be invested in. Focused on. When we combine talent with great process we get the best potential outcome. Here’s a further breakdown of how talent and process impact outcomes.

Bad Talent + Bad Process = Bad Outcome
Bad Talent + Great Process = Probably Bad Outcome
Great Talent + Bad Process = Possibly Good Outcome
Great Talent + Great Process = Best Potential Outcome

Let’s start with great talent. People often talk about the importance of mindset, leadership, and culture in determining outcomes (I am definitely guilty as charged). However, let’s not forget about the importance of talent. Whether it’s nature or nurture, or likely some combination of both, talent matters. It always has and always will. Sometimes we give talent too much credit and other times not enough. Great organizations are relentless about finding and developing nurture.

Then there’s process. A great process can create systems that make it easier to be successful. It’s in the process where outcomes are really made. The process is often hidden. We celebrate outcomes but processes tell more of the story. Great organizations are relentless of continuing to tweak their process even if they are getting great results. The process is a never ending process.

Where can we go from here? Let’s direct our attention to noticing where our talent lies. Start with ourselves. What process can we use to leverage our talent? The same goes for business owners and managers. We need both great talent and great process if we want to give ourselves the best opportunity to be successful.