Jamy Bechler on the Power of Influence


Jamy Bechler joins us on this week’s episode of the podcast. Jamy is a professional speaker, leadership trainer, and executive business coach who has worked with teams ranging from major corporations to teams in the NBA. Before going into full-time leadership work, Jamy served for 20 years as a college basketball coach, a professor, and administrator. When he hung up his whistle, he didn’t stop coaching, he just moved from the locker room to the boardroom. Now he travels the country motivating people and motivating organizations. We will talk about what leadership is, what it might not be, and Jamy will talk about what that looks like on and off the basketball court.

In this episode, we discuss his childhood (4:30), his early thoughts on leadership (8:40), influence and leadership (12:10), how he thinks about talent with influence (18:00), when he decided he would be a sports coach (24:30), what he learned from John Wooden (29:00), similarities and differences in coaching men vs. women in basketball (30:10), how he’d connect with his players (32:30), the elements of a good culture (43:00), what he did after he got fired (46:00), why he shifted out of athletic coaching (48:00), what he noticed as an AD that he didn’t as a coach (50:00), what it’s been like to go off on his own (52:00), what he intentionally does to make sure he’s his best self (54:40), what he knows now about coaching that he didn’t used to know (57:40), and his writing process (1:03:00)

Thank you to Jamy for coming on the podcast. We encourage you to check out his website https://jamybechler.com/, find him on Twitter, and check out his books.

Lastly, if you liked this episode and/or any others, please follow me on Twitter: @brianlevenson or Instagram: @Intentional_Performers.

Thanks for listening.


Listen: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify.



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