Never Giving Up with Dr. Rob Bell


Dr. Rob Bell joins us on this week’s episode of the podcast. Rob is a mental coach that works with athletes in the sports arena and individuals in the corporate space. Rob has written six books on mental toughness. He is also an ultra-marathon runner and this year he is running a 100-mile race. He will talk about spirituality, what makes him emotionally and mentally strong and why physical fitness is such a priority for him.  

In this episode, we discuss what life was like for him as a kid (4:20), what it felt like to be arrested (6:50), the things that changed his life (9:00), embarrassment and rock bottom (12:20), what he loved about sports when he was little (14:50), how he thinks about success (17:20), when sports psychology came into his life (18:20), how it felt when he stopped playing baseball (19:40), his religious framework (23:10), giving yourself grace (27:30), what it was like starting a sports psychology practice (31:10), what it is like teaching (33:10), why he doesn’t voluntarily share his story (35:00), what he does to make sure he’s emotionally where he needs to be (36:10), why he got into running (37:20), the frameworks he uses when working with athletes (42:00), how he thinks about mental toughness (44:30), his mindset in the different areas of his life (45:10), what caused him to go down the road of sobriety (47:20), his habits (48:00), and why he does ultra-marathons (50:40)

Thank you to Rob for coming on the podcast. We encourage you to check out his website and he is @drrobbell on all social media. His next book coming out is called “Puke and Rally” which is not about the setback but about the comeback.

Lastly, if you liked this episode and/or any others, please follow me on Twitter: @brianlevenson or Instagram: @Intentional_Performers.

Thanks for listening.


Listen: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify.



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