Mark Groves on the Power of Human Connection


Mark Groves joins us on this week’s episode of the podcast. Mark is a human connection specialist but putting a title on his work doesn’t do him justice. Mark is an emotional translator, writer, speaker, coach, and his clients range from businesses and leaders to couples and individuals. Mark really cares about the deepest of emotional connections that we have with ourselves and other people, and he loves studying love. He studies relationships and communications and is very thoughtful about how we are showing up for ourselves and for the people that we love.

In this episode, we discuss how it works for a company to take time to work with him (7:20), his upbringing (9:00), the message his dad shared about divorce (12:00), the skills that create great communication and relationships (20:00), how mastering personal relationships affects the business world (23:40), pain and love and emotions (27:00), when he started to lean into his emotions (30:30), what experiences at rock bottom teach us (34:30), what allowed him to learn from failure at 27 (38:40), when he got into the work he does now (41:30), what it was like to leave a nice six-figure salary (43:20), where he draws the line on sharing (45:50), how he’s built his social media following (50:10), how he feels when he gets powerful messages (54:10), what his writing process looks like (57:10), how he thinks about the me-too movement (1:00:10), and what he intentionally does to make sure he’s his best (1:05:10)

Thank you to Mark for coming on the podcast. We encourage you to check him out on Instagram @createtheloveYouTube, and his website

Lastly, if you liked this episode and/or any others, please follow me on Twitter: @brianlevenson or Instagram: @Intentional_Performers.

Thanks for listening.


Listen: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify.



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