How to Prepare for Big Moments and Adapt with Matt Stover


Matt Stover joins us on this week’s episode of the podcast. Matt Stover played in the NFL for 20 years where he played 13 years for the Baltimore Ravens. When he retired in 2009, he was the third most accurate kicker in the history of the NFL. Matt played at the highest level and did his craft as well as anybody that’s ever done it. Matt will talk about the routines and habits that helped him have so much success in the NFL. You will also hear from Matt about how he thinks about strength, mental fitness, emotional fitness, and spiritual fitness. He is a super-bowl winner and he was a leader on the Ravens. Matt is the oldest player to ever play in a super bowl and he is in the Ravens ring of honor. Today, he is doing some really interesting stuff around finance and philanthropy that he will talk about.

In this episode, we discuss what life was like for him as a kid (5:00), why he didn’t kick until his senior year (7:30), the values his parents passed down to him (9:20), what it was like playing for Bill Belichick (14:40), how he responded as a backup (17:40), where his motto of “why not me” came from (20:30), his mindset as a kicker (23:00), how he built trust with his teammates (24:30), what it was like to be part of a consistent contender (28:00), what the Ravens did to breakdown barriers between different parts of the team (33:10), what the draft was like when he was drafted in the 12th round (35:10), what he’d be doing if he wasn’t in the NFL (39:00), how he’d prepare on gameday (43:30), the ability to adapt and how he thought about the super bowl (48:50), what he’s up to now with the Players Philanthropy Fund (54:40), and what he loved about kicking and what he loves about what he’s doing now (1:02:00)

Thank you to Matt for coming on the podcast. We encourage you to check out the great work he is doing at the Players Philanthropy Fund

Lastly, if you liked this episode and/or any others, please follow me on Twitter: @brianlevenson or Instagram: @Intentional_Performers.

Thanks for listening.


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