Captain My Captain

What is a captain? How does it differ from a leader? What does it mean to be a follower?

Here is my attempt to make sense of each.

Captainship=positive impact

Leaders, whether on social media or in the real world, are influencers whether they like it or not. It’s part of the job. Captains are leaders too but they turn their influence into positive impact. If you are a captain, how can you empower your followers?

While leadership and captainship often get the headlines, followers are important too. Without followers, leaders & captains can't impact or influence. Followers provide tremendous value and without them an organization or system can crumble. We often forget about the power that comes with being a follower. When a follower dissents, it can create intense ripples to a culture.

What is your role? If you are a leader, how can you make sure you are also being a captain? If you are a captain, how can you ensure that your impact is positively influencing those around you. If you are a follower, how can you support a cause and be a star in your role?

We all play different roles. Create intention around your actions to maximize for impact.

Brian Levenson