Not One Size Fits All
One size fits all rarely works. It may be quicker and easier, but a one size fits all approach often stifles the nuance needed for greatness. Think about the roles below that are often seen as similar, but actually show up in very different ways.
A yogi is different than a runner.
Yogi-Is centered and moves multi-directionally
Runner-Pounds pavement and does not quit
A baker is different than a chef.
Chef—Trusts their instincts and can go off script
Baker—Follows directions to get exactly what they want
A lawyer is different than a doctor.
Lawyer—Asks questions that they know the answer to
Doctor—Asks questions to find out answers
Even the examples above are presumptuous. Of course, not all Yogis, Runners, Chefs, Bakers, Lawyers, and Doctors act that way. Their roles are not one size fits all either. But the point here is to show how different an approach can be depending on the task at hand. What may be helpful for one role may be a hindrance in another role. It’s why one size fits all approaches often do more harm than good.