Essential and Not Essential

What is essential? Truly. When push comes to shove, what is essential for you? What will you prioritize? How do you prioritize the essential and say no to that which is non-essential?


I find that I often have competing commitments. I love to help people and many have helped me along my journey. Yet, I find that people continue to jockey for my time. I get it. I’ve been in their shoes. It’s important to “pick people’s brains,” especially when getting started.


Yet, when I explain to someone that it may be a few months before I am able to connect with them, I am often met with shock, sometimes anger, and most frequently they say, “You must be busy.” The truth is, I don’t strive to be busy; I strive to have a meaningful and joyful life. With that comes a need for boundaries about what is essential and what is not essential. From there, I try to carefully craft my calendar to align with what I desire. And since I don’t desire to be “busy,” sometimes non-essential items must wait. I try to set boundaries with my calendar so that I can prioritize what is most essential in my life: my well-being, family, business, clients, creating, travel, and friendships.


When I first started my career, I took great pride in filling my calendar. I was quite good at making that happen. I didn’t care what was essential and what was non-essential, as long as I was active. That worked for me then, but it doesn’t work for me now. A marriage, two kids, golf, more friendships, more vacation, creating content, and a full book of clients later, I find that prioritizing and boundaries are becoming more and more essential by the day. It’s become one of the most important things in my life to ensure meaning and joy.


What is essential for you? How can you create systems and processes to honor your priorities?