Different Taste

I like a movie but the person I go with doesn’t. Same with a song. A restaurant. All good. Yet, I am crushed when someone leaves 2 stars for my podcast or book or opts out of my newsletter. I
I’m working on normalizing those experiences. I don’t have to be all things to all people.
Let me expand on this a bit: We live in a 5-star world. Many who are striving are seeking validation. But the truth is, we all have different taste. What may be 5 stars to me might be 2 to you. And that’s completely okay. Life is largely subjective, that's what makes it beautiful.
We get a review at work that has some negative feedback. It's okay. Growth edge. We get a C on a paper. Okay. Room to learn. We get negative reviews on a speech. Opportunity to refine and improve. AND It's just the reviewer’s opinion. They may be wrong, too. Different taste.
My parents despise cilantro. Anything it touches they think tastes like soap. It ruins their meal. For me, I love it. Throw it on there. I’m game. We are going to like different things. We accept different taste for food but not for our own creations. It's short-sighted.
The challenge is figuring out when feedback is helpful and when it's not. It’s tough to do. Look inward. Wonder. And then either act and change or move on. I think sometimes we glorify the change and undervalue the capacity to stick with something in the face of a negative review.