
Love it or hate it, email is an essential form of communication for most of us. A few years ago, I was drowning in my inbox. I was slipping. Not replying to people and letting things fall through the cracks. I decided to invest money into fixing the problem when I found a company called Superhuman. I pay a monthly fee and have gotten way better at email since. I almost never miss a message. I get back to people quickly. My inbox often goes down to zero. It’s made me way better at my job.

What’s your process for managing your inbox? How much more productive would you be if you had a system that helped you? What can you do to improve? I know it sounds simple, but sometimes taking care of the simple tasks in life is what unlocks the biggest opportunities.

Here’s my challenge to you: By 2023, have a system in place for email that allows you to thrive in your inbox. Take pride in it. Use it as a tool rather than a burden. Send me a note and tell me how you are doing. I’ll make sure to respond!