
Sports evolve. Think about the last 30 years and how they have changed; NBA teams take far more 3 pointers, NFL teams throw more, NHL teams have swapped out fighters for speedsters, MLB teams swing away, hunting for homers, instead of just making contact. Evolution is everywhere in sports. Yet, how are you evolving? What about your organization?


Try this out: What’s one thing you have always done throughout your career? Do an audit of how effective that thing is. Ask for feedback about it from people who know you best. Look underneath the hood. Doing something because it’s how you or your organization have always done it isn’t a good enough reason. It can stifle evolution.


From there, think of all of the possibilities that you may be able to operate differently. Throw them on a board. No idea is too out there. Then experiment. Get feedback. Look at the process and the results. If the experiment was worse, then stay the course. Not all things need to evolve. And move on to another action and test it. Rinse and repeat until you find the thing that needs to evolve, just like your favorite sport has