
Much of my success thus far in life has been because of tremendous relationships. I am grateful for them. Yet, we often don’t have a clear understanding of what creates a great relationship. Here’s what I have come to understand: great relationships are based on communication, respect, and trust. Trust can be built. Respect can be earned. Communication can be developed. Think of it as three-legged barstool; if one leg erodes, the others are impacted. We need all 3 to truly maintain a strong relationship. Let’s look a bit deeper.


Respect. We often want it from others unconditionally, but it often has to be earned first. When we earn respect, and it’s mutual, we increase our capacity for connection. Seek out what you respect in others. Figure out what you respect in yourself. Great relationships start with respect.


Trust. Once respect is earned, we build relationships with trust. Great trust involves action. It’s based on repeated behavior. Can I trust that you will be there for me? Can I trust you to do right by me?


Communication. Respect and trust are the pillars of the bar stool, but they are incomplete without elite communication. How do we communicate? With respect? With trust in mind? When communication breaks down, the barstool does too. It’s hard to have respect and trust without great communication.


So, do an inventory. How are your relationships? If any are struggling, it might be because there is a lack of respect, trust, or communication. Can you improve those? Can the other person? Start there.