Experience and Communication

When we don’t have experience, we often feel the need to over-communicate what we have done.
When we have experience, we often don’t feel the need to talk about what we have done; our actions show our expertise in their own right.
It’s human. Normal. When we feel like an imposter, the world speeds up and oftentimes we speed up as well. Or, we freeze and say nothing, which can also be problematic.
The key is to notice how you feel and what’s going on inside your head. If you notice that you start to feel as though you don’t belong and are becoming sped up, perhaps take a breath, pause, and find a reset mechanism in the room (like a light switch). Feeling or thinking we are inexperienced isn’t the problem; acting out of fear of being inexperienced often is the problem. Take ownership of inexperience. Be honest and transparent with it. Be vulnerable with it. Heck, it’s a great opportunity to be curious and ask a question to learn. Embrace the space of being a student.
After all, the most experienced people know that they still have more room to grow; there is always more experience to be had. Let your actions lead the way.