I Don't Know

The most confident people in the world are often the ones who are willing to genuinely say “I don’t know.” There is a misnomer that suggests that when we don’t know something, we lack confidence or competence. But, the people I respect the most and who actually have the most confidence know when to admit that they don’t know. There’s an adage that says, “Insecurity screams,” and I think that applies to the saying “I don’t know.” It’s three words. Simple but powerful.
Why is it that we often think we need to have answers to everything? Our ego often gets in the way of our humility, which causes us to struggle to explore with curiosity. When we say, “I don’t know,” we are opening ourselves up to learn and grow. Not knowing the answer to something is an incredible place to be. Think about it. You’ve gotten this far without knowing the answer. How amazing would it be to layer new knowledge onto what you already know?
Not knowing is not a weakness. It’s just the first inning of cultivating a potential strength. Stay open to it. Lean into what you don’t know. Acknowledge it and begin the learning process of knowing. Novelty is where creativity and innovation live. Embrace it.