Forget Busyness

Are you busy? It’s a well-intentioned question. I get why people ask. It’s a nice alternative to asking someone if they are crushing their job, which is not as socially acceptable. Yet, every time someone asks me if I am busy, I pause, and then regardless of whether or not I am, always answer with a “yea.” While certainly we can be busy and productive, just because someone is busy doesn’t necessarily mean they are productive. What’s more, is busyness even the goal posts for most of us? Is that what we are striving for? Let’s dive a little deeper.

What is busyness? It has to do with activity; action. In isolation, action isn’t good or bad. Instead, it depends on the direction of the action. Action or busyness in the wrong direction can absolutely be harmful, which is why intentional action is so key. It’s also why asking someone if they are busy is one of the least interesting questions one can ask. Action with intention is purpose, and purpose/meaning is one of the key ingredients to well-being. So, where do we go from here? What are some alternatives to the “are you busy” question? Here are a few ideas.

·       What is going on at work that has you excited?

·       What was the best part of your work over the past month?

·       How’s work going?

Let’s move away from busyness and more toward productivity. Let’s probe with deep curiosity and seek to find what makes those around us interesting. Everyone has something to share, sometimes it just takes the right question to discover what makes someone unique.

Brian Levenson