Forcing Function

I struggle with discipline. Yep, that’s right. Despite the fact that you get this weekly article from me, consistent behavior has never been my strength. So how do I consistently do things that I often don’t feel like doing? I leverage forcing functions.

Forcing functions involve combining two behaviors. For example, reading is actually pretty low on my list of enjoyable behaviors. I like reading when I am doing the act, but I have a hard time picking a book up instead of scrolling through my phone. Yet, I read a ton. How do I do it? I interview podcast guests who are often authors. In order to be prepared for the interview, I know I have to read their book. The function of the podcast forces me to read.

Exercise is another activity that is low on my list of “wants,” yet I know the importance of it. I have started to watch my favorite shows while exercising and hold off on watching them until I get on the bike. So, the shows are a forcing function for me to exercise.

As you read this newsletter, you are experiencing another forcing function. Every week I write an article for the newsletter. Despite the fact that I don’t always feel like writing, I have my newsletter to nudge me into writing on a weekly basis. That writing has helped me crystalize my thinking for my clients, share important concepts with my community, and provide me with content for social media and for my book. I am grateful for the forcing function. It makes me better.

We all have actions/behavior that we don’t always feel like doing. What forcing functions can you put into place to ensure you are taking the actions that you want?