Go Toward the Easy

Nothing worth doing comes easy. I’ve used that mantra in the past and I am not sure how much I believe in it now. We don’t always have to go toward the difficult things in life. For example, I am super grateful that I went into an industry that came easier to me than many others. We all have gifts, and it’s important to open them up and leverage them.


Think about your best relationships: Are they hard work? Sure. Just because they take work doesn’t mean they should be difficult. Do we really want to surround ourselves with difficult people? I know I don’t. The best relationships are seamless. We can navigate them with a trust and respect which allows for flourishing.


Do we grow from hard things? We can. But there’s also a place to go toward the path of least resistance, especially when we are starting out. Knowing when to stick with something even though it’s difficult and when to bail because it’s unlikely for us to thrive is a fine line. I am not here to tell you when to do each, but I do think we underrate focusing on the easy and often make things too hard on ourselves along the way.


What comes easy to you? How can you become elite at that? Go toward the easy.