I Am Enough

Three words: I am enough. Powerful. Often helpful. Feeling as though we are enough allows for us to have peace of mind. Yet, growth mindset, which is one of my favorite concepts, has been embedded into our school, businesses, and many other organizations. So how do we leverage growth mindset while also understanding that we are enough?

I like this mantra: “I am enough, and I am a work in progress”. When we take that nuanced approach, it ensures that we don’t attach our worth to attainment and instead appreciate who we are, while still admitting that we have room to grow. For many, the belief that we are not enough can actually hinder their ability to grow. We beat ourselves up and are never even able to get started.

When we recognize that we are enough “as is” while acknowledging the desire to continue to improve, we blend an affirmation with growth mindset. That combination is beautiful.