Build a Roof

It seems as if every financial model/expert point to us heading to recession. I often think about the phrase.... "Don't wait until it rains to build a roof." We all need to be roof-building right now, and who knows, maybe it even needs to be a retractable one.
People often ask me how I help clients who are struggling or need to be “fixed.” I often respond, “I don’t.” I was recently on a podcast and was asked that very question and responded, “that’s not my bag.” My clients are really good at what they want to do and want to get better. They often don’t come to me because they have some big problem or are underperforming. Instead, they are driven, ambitious, and curious about how they can get better. They know that storms will come. They want to be ready to handle those storms. I find it much more fruitful to work with people who take that approach than those who come to me once the storm is already here.
It's hard to build a roof in the middle of a storm. We are in survival mode. We use duct tape to stop the leaking. It’s a short-term fix. Do we need to do it then? Absolutely. But if you have the capacity to build your roof before the storm comes, I highly recommend doing so. It will be stronger, better built, and more sustainable. Don’t wait until it rains to build your roof.