Relationships and Systems

Relationships are huge for sales/revenue. Systems are huge for growth; they allow us to unlock our potential and make performing easier, especially in a group context. Systems lead to better implementation. They are about “best practice.” Think of them as a philosophy; the way we want to play, sell, operate, etc. Great systems create efficiencies that reduce friction. Find a consistently performing organization and you will most likely find great systems. Systems are about unlocking potential.
While systems are great, organizations are run by people, and people require relationship-building. A system without relationships is simply a thing; a system with great relationships is a community. A community can change the world. What’s more, in most businesses, relationships are tied to revenue. Think of that top salesperson. What makes them elite? It’s often their ability to cultivate elite relationships. In sport, relationships have an impact on winning too. Great teammates help a team win. Leadership involves relationship building. Trust, communication, and respect underpin championship teams. Relationships help drive performance.
A simple formula to think about:
Systems = Potential
Relationship s= Performance
Systems + Relationships = Scalability
Whether in business or sport, the most successful teams know how to scale. In business, they understand that they need systems to scale. They can perform well without them but can’t grow to their full potential. Sport is the same way. If a team has a few strong relationships but doesn’t have a culture with systems, then the potential will come and go based on a few players/coaches, etc., and can’t sustain consistent success. Scalability in both sport and business occurs when we combine great systems with great relationships. When we relish and value both. When we invest in both. 
Want to scale? Value elite systems with incredible relationships.