Posts tagged Boundaries

A lack of boundaries often leads to bitterness and resentment. I have frequently put a desire to be well-liked over a desire to set boundaries, and surprisingly it leads to being less well-liked. Let me explain further. Boundaries need to be front-loaded. They create expectations. When we set our intentions up-front, we create clarity; when we don’t, we create clutter. Many of us create stories and assumptions when boundaries aren’t in place. It’s in those stories that drama thrives. Boundaries are about truth over hearsay.

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Family First?

We often tell others that we put our family first. But is that really true? How much time do you spend with your family compared to your friends or coworkers? Do you really prioritize family over your work? I think the phrase is misleading, and it’s not really true. Saying, “I put my family first,” suggests that family and work are always working against each other. When in reality, they don’t have to be opposing forces.

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