Grace. It’s a beautiful word. It can be simply defined with two words: courteous goodwill. I’ve found grace to be liberating. When extended, it can show light in darkness and hope in times of suffering. Yet, it’s not something that often comes naturally to me. It’s often a secondary thought or feeling. I have to work at showing courteous goodwill. I bet you do too. Here’s why we need to increase our grace.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to be authentic? It’s when we show our genuine self. There’s vulnerability in it. Instead of acting with an agenda in mind, we are willing to express what we truly believe. There’s conviction in authenticity. But authenticity can also be curious, angry, sad, frustrated, and caring.
Read MoreNothing worth doing comes easy. I’ve used that mantra in the past and I am not sure how much I believe in it now. We don’t always have to go toward the difficult things in life. For example, I am super grateful that I went into an industry that came easier to me than many others. We all have gifts, and it’s important to open them up and leverage them.
Read MoreAre you busy? It’s a well-intentioned question. I get why people ask. It’s a nice alternative to asking someone if they are crushing their job, which is not as socially acceptable. Yet, every time someone asks me if I am busy, I pause, and then regardless of whether or not I am, always answer with a “yea.” While certainly we can be busy and productive, just because someone is busy doesn’t necessarily mean they are productive. What’s more, is busyness even the goal posts for most of us? Is that what we are striving for? Let’s dive a little deeper.
Read MoreI struggle with discipline. Yep, that’s right. Despite the fact that you get this weekly article from me, consistent behavior has never been my strength. So how do I consistently do things that I often don’t feel like doing? I leverage forcing functions.
Read MorePerhaps you are a leader. Maybe you are a parent. Regardless of where you are, we all have to figure out when to share and when to shield. Kids don’t need transparency on everything, and neither do employees.
Read MoreMany people say that adversity makes us stronger and that we grow from pain. I have been known to echo those sentiments to clients as well. While all of us will endure some sort of suffering during our lives, and hopefully we will lean from those experiences, it’s important to point out that growth doesn't only occur from discomfort.
Read MoreI am not sure how many people I have coached over the years, but my guess is it’s close to 1000. I have also interviewed over 270 people for my podcast. I don’t work with people who are “sick,” per se, instead many work with me to improve their performance or leadership. Yet, over the years, I have noticed how much a person’s childhood impacts the way they see the world today. The stories of our childhood often show up in adulthood. During those conversations, I have noticed a pattern about how childhood impacts our relationship with chaos.
Read MoreI’ve been called a know-it-all before; it’s not pleasant. I’ve found, when I surround myself with know-it-all's, I often feel the need to defend my beliefs and share what I know. I’ve been guilty of this far too many times, especially with family and friends. When I am in know-it-all mode, I shrink and get narrow; I don’t learn. Know-it-all mode causes us to lack perspective and become instantly unlikeable to be around.
Read MoreIf I don’t intentionally schedule time to do what I want, then someone else often fills my schedule with what they want me to do. For years, I often took pride in having a full calendar. I used activity to judge my productivity. And while that may have helped me then, I don’t feel as though it helps me now. Busyness and productivity are not the same thing. How can we approach our calendars in a more productive way? Here are some ideas.
Read MoreWe have clarity when we know who we are, where we are, and where we want to go. When one of those is missing, it can create clutter. Clutter breeds feeling stuck, feeds fear, and can lead to paralysis. We often attach what we do for a living to our identity, and while it’s certainly a big part of our life, I believe that clarifying our identity with these three questions is a more sustainable way to think about identity as a whole.
Read MoreThe most coachable people are often the most curious. You read that right. People who are willing to question why things are done the way they are, open themselves up to learn more than those who simply say, “yes sir” or “yes ma’am”.
Read MoreFlip-flopper. Hypocrite. Weak. All three are often used to describe people who change their mind. Yet, I have come to realize that changing my mind is not necessarily a bad thing.
Read MoreI need to delegate more. This phrase gets mentioned by almost all of my executive clients. I know what they are thinking and understand their intention. These are busy people who often bite off more than they can chew. Delegation is needed so that they can keep the main thing the main thing. However, I often challenge them to think beyond delegating and instead focus on empowerment.
Here’s why:
Business acronyms are awful for communication. What’s worse, if you are using an acronym with someone outside of your industry, that person, whether they tell you or not, is often left utterly confused.
Read MoreFear works in short spurts because it is embedded into nature and nurture. It can change behavior quickly, but if it’s your “fast ball”, with no other pitches, it will eventually limit your potential. It’s not sustainable. As a primary form of leadership, it erodes relationships.
Read Morehose two words, in combination, drive so many of my answers to difficult questions. Too often I/we/Psychology oversimplify the complexity of life.
Read More“Deep” is underrated. Relationships. Conversations. Wins. Listening. Work. Research. Introspection. Much of the best stuff in life requires going deep.
Read MoreThe best communicators are those who know how to listen. From listening, we ask great questions and provide meaningful answers. Without it, we miss the opportunity to connect, which is often the true purpose and goal of communication.
Read MoreThree letters. Three words. A simple formula that can help us execute. For those performing under pressure, winning can be consuming and overwhelming. The mind often races ahead to multiple possibilities or gets stuck behind past failures.
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